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Bible art, master program
Bible art, master program
Kursu kategorijas
Informācija studentiem (par praksēm, metodiskie norādījumi)
Karitatīvais socialais darbs, (vakara lekcijas) profesionālā bakalaura studiju programma, 160KP
Karitatīvais sociālais darbs, neklātiene profesionālā bakalaura studiju programma, 160KP
Karitatīvais sociālais darbs, pilna laika profesionālā maģistra studiju programma, 80KP
Karitatīvais sociālais darbs, nepilna laika profesionālā maģistra studiju programma, 80KP
Sociālais darbs, 2.līmeņa profesionālās augstākās izglītības studiju programma, 80KP
Bībeles māksla, akadēmiskā bakalaura studiju programma, 160 KP
Bībeles māksla, akadēmiskā maģistra studiju programma, 80 KP
Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības vadība, profesionālā maģistra studiju programma, 80 KP
Supervīzija, nepilna laika profesionālā maģistra studiju programma, 80KP
Social work- 2nd level professional higher education study program
Caritative Social Work Master Program 80CP/120ECTS
Supervision in Social Work 80KP/120ECTS
Bible Art, Full Time Bachelor
Bible art, master program
Social Entrepreneurship Management MASTER PROGRAMME- 120 ECTS
Informācija par absolventiem
Teoloģija, akadēmiskā maģistra studiju programma, 80 KP
Teoloģija, akadēmiskā bakalaura studiju programma, 160 KP
Meklēt kursus
Meklēt kursus
Lapa 1
Lapa 2
Nākamā lapa
1.1. Canonical system of Orthodoxy and semantics of the orthodox Church, 2 CP / 3 ECTS (BAm ENG)
1.2. Divine Liturgy: role of the icon, 2 CP / 3 ECTS (BAm ENG)
1.3. Anthropology of the iconography, 2 CP / 3 ECTS (BAm ENG)
1.4. Schools of iconography, 3 CP / 4,5 ECTS (BAm ENG)
1.5. Worship of the Saints in the iconographical tradition, 2 CP/ 3 ECTS (BAm ENG)
1.6. Art of the Earlt Christianity, 3 CP / 4,5 ECTS (BAm ENG)
1.7. Sacral art of the Baltic region, 3 CP/ 4,5 ECTS (BAm ENG)
1.8. Theology of the Church Councils, 4 CP / 6 ECTS (BAm ENG)
1.9. Aesthetics of Byzantine culture and art, 3 CP/ 4,5 ECTS (BAm ENG)
1.10. History of Byzantine philosophy, 2 CP/ 3 ECTS (BAm ENG)
1.11. Ancient and Medieval intellectual traditions, 2 CP/3 ECTS (BAm ENG)
1.12. Concept of creativity in the Holy Scripture and Church tradition, 2 CP/3 ECTS (BAm ENG)
2.1. Methods of scientific work, 2 CP/3 ECTS (BAm ENG)
2.2.Management of the sacral culture, 2 CP/3 ECTS (BAm ENG)
2.3. Organizing and implementation of sacral art projects and exhibitions, 2 KP/3 ECTS (BAm ENG)
A. Icon painting, 12 CP / 18 ECTS (BAm ENG)
B. Sacral altar painting, 12 KP/ 18 ECTS (BAm ENG)
C. Sacral graphics,12 KP/ 18 ECTS (BAm ENG)
3.2. Special course in drawing, composition, calligraphy , 6 KP / 9 ECTS (BAm ENG)
3.3. Creative practise, 4 KP/6 ECTS (BAm ENG)
Lapa 1
Lapa 2
Nākamā lapa